Our Stories

1st May 2020

We launched prayers towards church planting initiative with a group of 10 prayer partners. We prayed every day and gathered every Friday virtually on zoom to conclude. We did this for 3 months. Among the activities during this season were prayer
walks, prayer drives and mapping around Kerarapon.

September 2020

We launched 1st Connect Discipleship class at Natare Gardens and in
November we graduated a team of 12people.

December 2020

We held our first Christmas Carols service with about 60 people in attendance.

March 2021

We signed a 5yr lease.

Between March and June 2021

We had a partitioning fence constructed as well as the gate and culverts. During this period our services were online due to Covid surge which called for lock down.

July 8th 2021

We had a dedication of the ground that was graced by Bishop Gibson, Bishop Muhuko, and Rev Matheri together with all Pastors in Ngong Hills Section. It was a great honor having the Bisops pray for Pst John and Anne as well as bless the Land.

July 26th 2021

We held our first physical gathering at our new ground where we had around 15 people in attendance.

September 2021

We held our first ever Community Worship experience where we had
over 60 people in attendance.

November 2021

We held our first ever Community Worship experience where we had
over 60 people in attendance.

December 2021

We held our 2nd Christmas Carols service.

January 2022

We built and dedicated our Sunday school rooms. We also launched the 3rd eight week Connect experience.

March 2022

We held our first VBS where we had around 45 children and teens in attendance.

April 2022

We did our first Baptism and had 7 disciples baptized.

July 2022

We held our first ever dream Partners dinner where we raised around 700k that went towards the construction of the semi permanent sanctuary.

July 25 th 2022

We celebrated our first anniversary and thanked the Lord for being our

November 2022

We celebrated first wedding celebrations.

December 2022

We held our 3rd Christmas Carols service where we had over 80 people in attendance.

April 2023

We held our 2nd VBS where we had around 185 kids and teens attending out of which 15 gave their lives to Christ and 6 of the teens are now going through the New Believers class. The VBS was climaxed with Youth and Teens concert that was attended by more than 100 youths and teens.

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